Pride And Moral Independence: Why The World Is Not Heeding The Warning Of God’s Wrath – Harbingers Daily


Pride And Moral Independence: Why The World Is Not Heeding The Warning Of God’s Wrath

ByDean Dwyer

June 1, 2024

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Pastor Dean Dwyer

As we inch closer and closer to the time when Jesus will call us home, it is not only our anticipation which grows, but also the urgency we feel in warning others of the wrath to fall upon this earth in the form of the Tribulation Period.  There are many wonderful remnant ministries throughout the world who are labouring fervently, expending time, money and effort to comfort the saints and warn the sinners.  But are the unsaved listening?

Prophecy Live: A Warning to America, with Original Pilgrim

This morning I had a discussion on a Facebook live with a dear brother in Christ concerning the New Madrid fault line and its prophetic implications. Have a listen. If you feel so inclined follow me on Facebook. I have been doing a Bible reading every morning. The Lord is really working among his people right now and more than ever we need to be looking up and listening for that trumpet.

Israel will be preserved!

I think this is an excellent article that explores what is happening in Israel and tries to connect the prophetic pieces.