Mom’s Journal-Are You Listening?

A Mom Looking Up

This is my daughter. She is 19 and autistic. Yesterday she had to have an echocardiogram due to two doctors hearing a slight heart murmur. I appreciate all prayers concerning her health. ❤️

Part of her challenges includes having difficulty with abstract thought. She of course knows all about Jesus, and loves Him in her own way. A few years ago the Lord gave me a vision in which he told me that she will dance on streets of gold. We are convinced that her autism and specific intellectual and cognitive capabilities allows her to see and hear things the rest of us do not. Shecertainly has a special gift of discernment, but she isn’t always able to verbally express what is going on.

For the past week she has come to me and told me, “Jesus is coming to get us”. She had said such a thing before, but never for consecutive days and several times a day. I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly paying attention.

3 Eclipses Draw a Giant Aleph Across America

Take the time to look at the article linked above. It is indeed very interesting how the eclipse of October 14th, 2023 coincides with the new moon as well as the eclipse that makes the final x across America on April 8th 2024 also happens on a new moon. April 8th, 2024 is also the first day of the first month of the Hebrew calendar.

We need to be looking up like never before and listening for that trumpet sound. But even more urgently, we need to make sure we are abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ. We know that not everyone who claims Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. Let us pray and work out our own salvation with fear and trembling that we are found worthy to escape the things to come.