“I do not trust this letter! BE WARNED!” on YouTube

I do not own this video. I downloaded it from Facebook. The source is linked here:

I have been saying to people in my private circle not to trust “cue”. Well, you can do what you want, but I do not trust it. Don’t get me wrong, I almost fell for it too. who doesn’t want to see the evil ped***** globalists get brought down? And I absolutely believe they will get brought down. They will fall, because they are mystery Babylon as according to Revelation 17 and 18. But how does Scripture say mystery Babylon will fall? Go back and read it. Mystery Babylon is the great prostitute riding on the back of the beast, and the beast hates her and devours her. I am a patriot and I love Americans, and all people. But I honestly think this number 17 organization is posing as an angel of light seeking to deceive. perhaps all of this stuff that you read on telegram and see on rumble, et al, has just been a way to pacify good people. yes a lot of the truth has come out. Praise God for that! but remember the beast hates these blatantly and obviously evil as well. however that does not mean they are your friend. not in the long run. Everything we see happening is according to God’s plan. we are about to see the book of Revelation fulfilled. the stage is being set and it is almost ready. The Bride of Christ will be taken out soon and the restrainer removed. then all will fall into place. think about it. they openly admit to deceiving the masses themselves by claiming certain key players are just actors in a mask. there have been all of these predictions and declarations and very little of it is seen publicly.

I think there are some very good people involved here and they really have the best intentions, and they want to see justice served and restore America and create a bright and better future. But at the very deep foundation of this organization, there is something very deceptive about it and there are tentacles of this that have a very outspoken New age spin. If you don’t believe me research it for yourself and pray about it. It’s possible I could be wrong but obviously I don’t think so at this moment.
What we really need to do is be in the Holy written word of God and seeking His wisdom and discernment.

Be Aware of Fall Flu Shot

The idea that we are living among the great prostitute Babylon as described in Revelation 17 and 18 continues to grow in evidence. I personally am not taking any type of injection, probably ever again but certainly not in the near future. My husband recently quit his job at the local hospital. He had a religious exemption for the poke, but they decided to take away his weekly spit test and replace it with the PCR test. There was no way he was allowing them to ram that stick up his nose. We do not trust it. Within 3 days of learning about this change, the Lord found him not only another job, but one with better pay and that requires no shots or testing of any kind. The Lord is good and gracious and merciful and I am thankful He got Joey out of the healthcare system before these new injections became yet another issue for him. Take a look at the short video below, and don’t forget to join the telegram channel. https://t.me/amomlookingup

What Do We Have Here? These are Biblical times indeed!

I found the following video extremely disturbing. In case you couldn’t catch all of the quotes that flash across the screen in quick succession, someone (s) has basically said the Kennedys are of the Jesus bloodline…(blasphemy!)…. And that Trump will become one of the seven kings, probably the King of Kings. (Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, of the Bible, is King of Kings and Lord of Lords! There is no other!) If this isn’t the rise of the Antichrist system, then I will be shocked! People often attribute the deep state as being the Antichrist system, but no I truly believe it is the harlot Babylon which the Beast hates and devours, as according to Revelation 17. If there was ever a time to wake up Church it is now! Do not be deceived by the charming talk and any possible future events which may seem very encouraging and patriotic on the surface. It may seem all good and fine at first (especially if all of the evils of the deep state are finally shown to the public), but eventually (don’t know how long) I guarantee you the true colors will be revealed. I don’t know how much Trump is aware of this… I don’t know if he is a knowing part of this system or if he is being used in order to gain the trust of Patriots. Time will tell, and as always, please take this to the Lord!

Please check out the links below the video.


The Great Deception – a post I wrote in February 2021

Nesara– this article I believe reveals the truth behind the ultimate source of what will be the Antichrist system, or the beast system.

Aliens and UFOs

Unholy Communion

The Highway Dream I’m going to be honest, I had completely forgotten about this dream. I happened upon it just now.